Define parameters

You can pass parameter values to your template through taskcat configuration file. These values will be passed to your template when launching the stack.

Add a parameter section to the test

Add the parameters key to mytest, and set the value of S3BucketName to $[taskcat_autobucket].

  S3BucketName: '$[taskcat_autobucket]'

$[taskcat_autobucket] is a pseudo-parameter. This tells taskcat to automatically generate an S3 bucket name, create that bucket and use it for test execution.

Parameter vaules can be dynamically passed to a stack during creation when testing with taskcat. For example: By specifing $[taskcat_autobucket] as the value of S3BucketName we are instructing taskcat to replace value with the name of the bucket that will be created at runtime.

At this time, your .taskcat.yml file should look as below.

  name: cfn-project
    template: templates/lab1.template.yaml
    - "us-east-1"
      S3BucketName: '$[taskcat_autobucket]'