Lab Environment

You will use AWS Appstream to connect to your lab environment. You will find the Appstream URL in your team dashboard.

@TODO Screenshot

Lab information

The AWS Appstream session that you are using for this hands on lab has the following programs pre-installed:

  • Python3 (taskcat is Python program)
  • taskcat (pip install taskcat)
  • Vscode with plugins pre-installed
    • taskcat config validation
    • cfn-lint validation
    • CloudFormation template auto-complete and doc links from the cfn-resource-spec

Auto save

The IDE is configured to auto-save files when they are changed, so there is no need to manually save files.

Copy paste

Copy and paste should work out of the box on all browsers, in some browsers you may get a dialog box requesting clipboard access which must be allowed to enable copy-paste.

The AppStream also provides a tool in the top left of the window that enables placing data into the AppStream session’s clipboard. This is recommended for pasting large blocks of text.


On Mac OS the function of the Command key is swapped with that of the Control key, so to copy/paste in the appstream environment the shortcuts are control-c and control-v respectively.